Custom App Themes

Theming Process

The process for having a custom theme created for the K4Community app is as follows:

  1. The community team (typically marketing or communications) provides a light and dark color palette to K4. See details below what colors are required.
  2. Both light and dark compatible logos are also submitted. See specifications below.
  3. A test site will be provided by K4 for reviewing the colors submitted (usually within 48-72 hours).
  4. Once reviewed, adjustments can be submitted and the test site updated.
  5. The community staff approves the theme, and K4 reviews it for quality issues (no UI items being hidden, unreadable, etc).
  6. The theme is made available in the community’s app as either the default theme or a user selected theme.
If you’re interested in customizing your app’s color theme, reach out to your Client Success Manager or call or email Support at (855) 876-9673 or

 K4Connect Default Color Theme

For your reference, the K4Community app theme is made up of a palette of seven colors, with both light and dark variations.



Default – Dark

Default – Light


Clickable elements such as buttons that are the primary call to action on a page.




Muted font color used for side menus like filters on the events page. Not intended to be as noticeable as the main text.




Used for small informational features such as user avatars or bubbles with the number of messages waiting.




Base background color of the app.




Bars and side navigation items.




Dividers between page sections.





Inner items on top of the background.




The base font is white or percentages of white for dark mode, and percentages of black for light mode. This is not currently adjustable. 


Logos should be about a 3×1 ratio. We support PNG (300px x 100px), but encourage you to use SVG if possible to avoid scaling issues on different size displays (phone, tablet). Logos should be provided on a transparent background.


Sample Screens