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  2. Team Hub
  3. Content Creation and Management

How to create a printable monthly calendar

There are multiple ways to create a printable monthly calendar. Using the PowerPoint K4Community add-in (recommended), using the Canva K4Community app (recommended), or using the Team Hub Content Creator. 

We recommend Canva and PowerPoint due to their strong design capabilities compared to the Team Hub Content Creator, which is a more basic tool intended for users who do not have access to advanced applications like PowerPoint and Canva.

For details on how to use the Canva and PowerPoint K4Community apps, see the articles linked below. 

How to use the K4Community Canva app

How to use the K4Community Microsoft PowerPoint add-in


Team Hub Content Creator

To create a printable monthly calendar in the Content Creator:

  • Go to the Content Library in Team Hub
  • Click on Create a Design
  • Enter the name of your calendar design
  • Select your Orientation and Size. For printable calendars we recommend Landscape and either 17" x 11" or 36" x 24" depending on your needs and printing capabilities. 
  • Click Create

  • Click Widgets
  • Select the Monthly Calendar Widget

  • Adjust the size and settings of the calendar to your preferences. You can opt to show or hide the community logo, calendar title, month and year, location key, and event type key. You can also adjust the calendar's background opacity allowing images behind the calendar to show through. 
  • Select the month for the calendar you're printing. Defaults to the current month.
  • Once you have the calendar customized to your liking, click Publish and then Print. A PDF version of the calendar that you can download to or print from your computer will be created. 
  • Download and print the calendar as needed