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Create a Shortcut
There's no limit to the number shortcuts you can create, but be careful not to create too many. The purpose is to reduce the amount of digging and scrolling that a resident has to do to find information in the app. If the Shortcuts section gets too cluttered it will defeat the purpose of the feature. We recommend no more than about 12 or so, but use your best discretion.
Shortcuts follow the published status of whatever information is being linked to. For instance, if a shortcut is created for a document or link that has since been removed from the app, the resident will no longer be able to see that information.
To create a Shortcut:
- Go to Communications > Shortcuts
- Click New Shortcut
- Enter the Name and Type of shortcut needed
The fields that follow after Type will vary depending on which type you choose.
Types of Shortcuts are:
- Doc - Any document (PDF) that has been shared to the app
- Event - Any upcoming event that has been published to the app
- External link - Any external link including videos
- Folder - Any folder containing content
- Form - Any form in the app used to collect information
- Menu - Any menu that has been published to the app
- Section - Links directly to the Smart Home section of the app
- Staff - Any staff profile that is visible in the app
Once you've selected your shortcut type and configured the remaining fields, you'll select an icon to represent the Shortcut in the app. The shortcut will show up as a tile in the app with your title, the type of shortcut, and your icon in the background.
Customize the order of Shortcuts
You can also customize the order of shortcuts by clicking and dragging any of the shortcuts into a different position. The order in the Team Hub from top to bottom will be organized in the app as left to right / top to bottom. Depending on the device, there may be more or fewer shortcuts in a single row.
Edit or Delete a Shortcut
To edit or delete a shortcut:
- Click on the 3-dot menu
- Select either Edit or Delete
Clicking Edit will open up the shortcut editor where you can make your changes. Click Save when done.
Clicking Delete will delete the post once you click Delete again to confirm.
Deleting a Shortcut cannot be undone.