Network Credentials
SSID: K4Community
Password: Contact K4Connect at 1 (855) 876-9673
Security: WPA2 Personal PSK
General Bandwidth Requirements
- Minimum of 2 Mbps down / 1 Mbps up per residence
- 2-3 Wi-Fi connected devices per residence
General Wi-Fi Signal Requirements
- Minimum signal strength of -65 dbm
- Minimum signal-to-noise ration of 25 dbm
General Network Specifications
Allow inter-network communication:
- Across all access points (i.e. disable AP/client isolation)
- All inter-network TCP and UDP ports should remain open (i.e.LANfirewall)
Bonjour and mDNS should be enabled
- mDNS discovery strings: _k4-message._tcp, _k4-setup._tcp, _k4-www._tcp services
- Disable “Register client hostname from DHCP requests in USG DNS forwarder” on UniFi systems
Unrestricted internet access for outbound requests
DHCP IP Address Range: 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x or (172.16.x.x through 173.31.x.x)
DHCP Subnet: /20 (4,094 IP addresses) or more
No DNS TTL override or custom DNS caching
No WMM or other Quality of Service restrictions (i.e. no device priority management)
IPv6 enabled (optional, but helpful with remote support)
K4Community Plus App, Team Hub, Media Players (Signage and Insertion Channel) and Alexa
Do not enable domain or port based firewalls for outbound connections.
For communities with Insertion Channel, bandwidth should be: Minimum of 5 Mbps down / 1 Mbps up per community.
Home Hub Advanced Firewall Settings
The following URLs and ports need to be accessible from within the network. Most routers, by default, support these requirements without manual configuration required. |
Outbound URLS
The following ports are used, but we highly recommend not restricting outbound ports. If outbound security is required, we recommend using DNS based filtering. |
Outbound Ports
UDP 123 (NTP / Time) TCP 443 (SSL)
TCP 8000
TCP 22
IP Whitelisting
As most of the K4Connect cloud is hosted at AWS, the range of IP addresses that our servers are available at can be broad. For more information, please visit