Why can't I get the content I'm asking for from my Alexa device?

Community content like menus, events, and announcements can be accessed through your K4Community Alexa/Echo device. 

Take a look at this article for details on Supported Alexa Commands.

If you're having trouble getting the information you're looking for make sure to:

  • Confirm that the command or question you're asking is a supported command. Take a look at this article for details on Supported Alexa Commands.
  • Check with community staff to make sure they've published the content to Voice. Staff have the option to publish content to multiple different "audiences" one of which is Voice. If they did not select the Voice audience when publishing the content, it will not be available through Alexa. 
  • Confirm that the type of content you're looking for is available via voice. Only certain types of content are available via Alexa. They are events, menus, and announcements. For residents with an Echo Show device with a screen, no video content can be shared to the Alexa devices.
  • Try saying "Alexa/Echo, open K4." or "Alexa/Echo ask K4..." before asking for the content. The commands listed in the Supported Alexa Commands article should prompt the Alexa to open the K4Community skill to answer the question. But, if she's responding with consumer-level responses (like suggesting recipes when asking 'what's for dinner') you can prompt her to open the K4Community skill by saying "Alexa/Echo, open K4." or "Alexa/Echo ask K4..."