Smart Home Scene Creator is accessible in the Home Controls section of the K4Community Plus app for residents with an installed K4Community Smart Home system. This feature enhances residents’ convenience and control by enabling them to create custom smart home device automation based on their preferences and routines. Residents can configure devices to perform specific actions triggered by time of day or by changes to other devices all from the Home Controls section of their K4Community Plus app.

How to Create New Scenes

To create a new smart home scene, tap the plus (+) button in the bottom right corner of the app. Then select which type of scene you would like to create. 

Click the scene types below for detailed how-to videos

Change a device at a certain time

This option allows you to have a device automatically perform an action based on the time of day. For instance, if you want to make sure your Living Room fan is off every night before going to bed you can create a scene that automatically turns the Living Room fan off at 9:00 pm. You can still turn the fan off manually, but the scene can help to ensure it’s turned off even if you forget.

Triggered by another device

  • This allows you to have a device automatically perform an action based on the action of another device. For instance, you may want to have your bathroom light turn on when the motion sensor is tripped. With this option, you can also elect to only have that action performed between certain times of day. For instance, you can have the light turn on with motion during the day, but not overnight since the light would be too bright during that time. Or, if you have a dimmer, you can elect to have the light turn on at a low brightness level overnight and at full brightness during the day.

Manage my temperature

  • This allows you to have your thermostat set to a certain temperature based on time of day. For instance, if you prefer your home a bit cooler as you sleep, you can set up a scene that turns the thermostat down at nighttime and another scene that turns it back up in the morning.

Advanced scene wizard

  • This option is available for residents who may have a more advanced understanding of smart home devices and allows them to create custom scenes that aren’t covered in the basic scene wizards. 
Once you’ve configured your scene the way you want it, you’ll give your new scene a name that describes what it does and tap Submit. Then the scene will show up in the Scenes tab of the Home Controls section in your app. The scenes can be manually triggered by tapping them which will run the commands automatcially.

How to Edit or Delete a Scene

Mobile app

Tap and hold the scene you’d like to edit or delete. Then a dropdown selection will appear with options to Edit or Delete. Tapping Edit will take you back into the wizard for that scene and tapping Delete will remove the scene from the app. (NOTE: Delete cannot be undone)

Web app

Click on the 3-dot menu on the right hand side of the scene and a dropdown selection will appear with options to Edit or Delete. Clicking Edit will take you back into the wizard for that scene and clicking Delete will remove the scene from the app. (NOTE: Delete cannot be undone)


What if the Scenes Aren't Working?

Smart Home scenes are all driven by the K4 Smart Home Controller which is located in the residents’ homes. If you notice that previously-created scenes aren’t working as expected, start by rebooting the K4 Controller by unplugging it for 30 seconds. If the issue persists after reboot, call or email K4Connect Support at (855) 876-9673 or and we’ll be happy to investigate the issue for you. 

What if the resident moves to a different room?

Any smart home scenes created in the K4Community Plus app are tied to the room itself and will not follow the resident if they move to a new room. If a new resident moves into an apartment where a previous resident has created scenes, the new resident will see the scenes from the previous resident in their K4Community Plus app and will have the ability to edit/delete them if they want.

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