The Friends & Family App


K4Community Plus keeps loved ones connected and informed through the Friends & Family App. A companion to the resident-facing app, families can instantly communicate with their loved ones and find up-to-the-minute information about the latest news and notices from their community. Compatible on both mobile phones and tablets, residents are just a video chat away and families have a secure and dependable channel for community information. With K4Community Plus, staying connected to residents and what’s happening in their living community in is easy.

How To: Invite Friends & Family to K4Community Plus

There are 3 ways to invite your resident’s friends and family members to the app:

  1. Resident invites them via app

    (click here to learn how to do so)

  2. Community Staff member invites them via Team Hub emailed invitation

    1. In the left hand navigation, click Residents followed by Directory
    2. Find the Resident whose friend/family member you are adding. Select the resident's profile to populate their information on the right hand side. Click "Edit"
    3. Click "Friends & Family" within the resident's profile
    4. Click "Add New Friend or Family", which will generate a pop-up for you to input the individuals information.

    Their email is required, phone number is optional. Once you save the information, the individual will automatically receive an emailed or texted invitation to access the app. The individual will also now be saved and display in that resident's listed Friends & Family section.

  3. Community Staff member invites them via Team Hub code generation

    1. Follow steps 3-6 above
    2. Click the image of the 3 dot menu located to the far right of their name, followed by "Get App Code" from the dropdown menu. This will automatically generate a pop-up with a code for the friend or family member to enter into their app. The code is only valid for 24 hours

How To: Edit Friends & Family Information

Editing of information for Friends & Family is easy. Simply:

  1. Navigate to the associated resident profile (as described above) and to the far right of the individuals name, click the 3 dot menu, followed by View and Edit. Make any necessary profile changes.

  2. Click Save

How To: Delete a Friends & Family Member

  1. Navigate to the associated resident profile (as described above) and to the far right of the individual's name, click the 3 dot menu, followed by Delete. This will generate a pop-up asking you to verify deleting the contact.

  2. Click Delete. The deleted user will have their access to the app removed immediately.