Are there automation options for Smart Home d

Absolutely. Automation settings are referred to as “scenes”. For example, if a residence is equipped

Can residents operate smart home in K4Communi

Yes! If a resident’s home is equipped with K4Community Smart Home, they can view and

What smart home devices are available?

To learn more about smart home options or see a product catalogue, please contact your

How do I repair an offline device?

When a controller or device appears on your Daily Device Alert Report, please call K4Support

What if I schedule videos back to back?

There is a 1 – 2 minute delay between videos if they are scheduled back-to-back

What happens when a video finishes playing?

When a video published to Direct Broadcast finishes playing, the regularly scheduled slideshows will resume.

Why can’t I select ‘Reoccurring E

Video and DVD events are individually scheduled. When creating a new video event, if the

What if my event start/end times are differen

Any linked videos will end at the event end time, or the end of the

Can we live stream through Direct Broadcast?

Yes! To publish a live stream to Direct Broadcast, the community needs to have a

What is the difference between Digital Signag

Digital Signage content plays through the NUC, a small box shaped computer, and connects via